Monday, April 23, 2012

It's ralphing time, everyone!

Welcome to our new family blog, "It's Ralphing Time".  We (Mom and Dad) want to stay in touch with everyone and we thought this would be a fun way to do it.  Thank Lisa for setting it up.  She's the web guru.   Thanks Marie for getting the ball rolling with the emailing and forwarding to each other, but we wanted to try this format.   When Dad first thought of this, he was thinking that those with smart phones could post a picture a day, but others said that was too much.  So if you could please post a minimum of once a week, that'd be great.  It can be as simple as a picture with a short caption of something that happened to you or something you did that week, etc.  If you're in a school play and you're the Beast, take a picture, we want to see it!  If you went to a professional baseball game for the first time, take a picture of you with the field in the background--we want to see it.  If your daughter tells you if you eat your ponytail, it'll clog up your poop, please don't take a picture of it--just tell us.  If you're on a bus in Chicago and someone gets mugged, take a picture--we want to see it;.  If you're in Salt Lake and you have a General Authority sighting, let us know about it!  You can even just post a picture.  Or post some text like we are doing with no picture!  Whatever works for you.  Please just let us know you are alive and well each week!   Please know that we love you and always keep you in our prayers.  Mom and Dad


  1. Please feel free to change your picture or anything you want to on the blog. I just used all the most recent pictures of us. Which just happen to be from Diana's Wedding. I plan on updating our picture as soon as we get around to doing it.

    Love you!

  2. Um- I just got the corn. And totally started laughing. Gross. :) Thanks for setting this up Lisa!
